These are convenient for rooms and hallways that you use frequently or stairways that you tend to climb with your hands full.
Automatic light on off detector circuit.
If it is daytime working to break the circuit.
When any person animal or any object comes in the range of the sensor.
But at night is connected to a working electrical ac 220 volts.
We can adjust the sensitivity using the preset vr1 10k.
This lamp will illuminate when the light bulb goes off into the evening and on beginning to dawn.
Automatic light detector using variable resistor.
Automatic on off light using op amp here unlike from a transistor circuit the output has only steady on state or off state for varying ambient light intensity.
It can also be used in cupboards or wardrobes.
Such as the opening and closing of the bulb.
E g in evening after sunset.
As the light level increases and ldr meets the lowest threshold resistance the circuit automatically turns on the led d1.
This circuit can be used in alarm system where increasing intensity of light will trigger the alarm.
A light detector senses light.
The led on and off when the amount of incident light rise or fall with respect to a threshold intensity value.
This automatic night light circuit controls the turn the power off consumption in home automation.
Automatic light operated controlled switch circuit using ldr is very interesting circuit idea.
Simple light detector circuit can be used in many applications like automatic switching of appliances up on detecting light security systems etc.
Less resistance vr1 less darkness to switch off the led.
Then automatic light switched on.
You can use this for automatic light switch for street light.
Whereas the transistor circuits lights led gradually.
This can also used in automatic room light when any person enter in the room then light automatic turn on.
It automatically switches on lights when the sunlight goes below the visible region of our eyes.
The automatic light sensor circuit can be used for controlling the electrical appliances such as light fan cooler air conditioner street light etc automatically.
An automatic light switch may also be useful in the garage laundry room or attic.
The manpower for controlling or switching operation of loads can be eliminated by using this automatic light sensor circuit works based on the intensity of daylight falling on the light sensor.
Occupancy sensors automatically turn the lights on when you enter a room and off when you leave.